All Analysis – Page 102

  • Orders-Feb2015

    ANALYSIS: Fleet Watch - Orders for January 2015


    The month of January 2015 has been the lowest in commercial aircraft orders since August 2013. Net orders came in at only 44 while 2 swaps also occurred.

  • Analysis

    ANALYSIS: Why and how badly is liberalisation stalled?


    Eight years since the US-EU open-skies agreement ushered in what was heralded as a new era in liberalisation, the rhetoric has changed – and perhaps the reality has too.

  • Air works

    ​ANALYSIS: India MRO players make the best of a tough hand


    Despite booming air travel, skilled workers, and low labour costs, India has yet to become an MRO powerhouse, but two local MRO leaders are bullish about the future.

  • AirAsia X destinations, Feb 2015

    ANALYSIS: No magic potion for AirAsia X's ills


    Big changes appear to be underway for Malaysian long-haul low-cost carrier AirAsia X (AAX), following the abrupt departure of chief executive Azran Rami-Osman in late-January.

  • Analysis

    ​ANALYSIS: How social media is redefining crisis communications


    Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel, as Mark Twain once said.

  • Rafale

    ANALYSIS: India's fighters battle for relevance


    ​Aero India provides a unique opportunity for a close look at the eclectic mix of Russian, American and European platforms operated by India’s air force. A keen observer will look beyond the cold war era aircraft on show, to notice the transformation from what was once a tactical air force, ...

  • chelyabinsk meteor damage c rex

    ANALYSIS: On Asteroid Day, take a minute to look skyward


    ​Anybody inclined to look at deep-space exploration mission proposals and their associated budgets and ask “why?” could do worse than consider the problem of so-called Near Earth Objects; that’s jargon for big chunks of rock that orbit the Sun – until they actually hit us. As long as they are ...

  • Avianca fleet table

    ANALYSIS: Avianca's A320neos cap fleet renewal strategy


    ​Avianca's intention to order 100 Airbus A320neo family aircraft is the airline's most significant in recent years since closing a merger that formed the Colombia-based airline group in 2010.

  • PIE2

    ANALYSIS: TransAsia contemplates long, uphill climb


    The dramatic crash of an almost brand new ATR 72-600 into the Keelung river will in no way help TransAsia Airways gain traction in a market where it is already a relatively small player.

  • ecoDemonstrator

    ANALYSIS: Boeing's high hopes for green diesel


    ​Fresh from carrying out the first flight to be powered by a blend containing yet-to-be certified green diesel, Boeing has high hopes for the potential of this type of fuel and is confident it will be approved for commercial use later this year.

  • Breaking ground at mobile - Airbus

    ANALYSIS: US South rises on Airbus, Boeing expansion


    ​What a difference a decade makes in the geography of the US aerospace industry. It was only 2004 when the US Southeast region was known in aerospace circles primarily as a base for NASA in Florida and Alabama and a manufacturing hub for Gulfstream business jets and Lockheed Martin fighters ...

  • Analysis

    ANALYSIS: US open skies debate divides industry


    An ongoing call by US mainline carriers for the US government to re-look its open skies deals with certain Gulf nations has stirred up strong reactions in the industry, even as some parties choose to stay out of the controversial issue altogether.

  • Faradair

    ANALYSIS: Start-up offers ultimate green machine


    ​A six-seater, fixed-wing aircraft that operates silently, takes off and lands in confined urban areas, ticks all the green boxes through a combination of hybrid engines, solar panels and wind turbines, and has unmanned capabilities in case of a pilot emergency.

  • T-50

    ANALYSIS: Programme co-operation between India and Russia faces challenges


    India’s joint aircraft design and development programmes with Russia were meant to showcase its increase in stature, coupled with the desire to move beyond licensed production and change the “buyer-seller” status quo that existed with its trusted ally.

  • Analysis

    ANALYSIS: Barco acquisition adds to CMC's toolkit


    ​Canadian avionics house CMC has more tools in its box these days as it strives to position itself as a first-tier integrator. This January’s acquisition by its US parent Esterline of Barco’s defence and aerospace division will broaden existing product offerings for the Montreal-based business, as well as introducing entirely ...

  • IAG QR table

    ​ANALYSIS: Qatar and IAG romance moves up a gear


    Qatar Airways' decision to acquire almost 10% of IAG finally cements a long-running courtship between the two.

  • EC225 - Airbus Helicopters

    ANALYSIS: Offshore helicopter safety programme advances rapidly


    Advances in safety thinking about offshore oil support helicopter operations are rapidly being consolidated into practical measures, according to the UK Civil Aviation Authority.

  • ATD-X

    ANALYSIS: Japan's F-3 fighter pursuit is worth the wait


    ​In early January, Japanese defence ministry officials confirmed that their next-generation fighter technology test programme had fallen behind schedule. The advanced technology demonstrator-experimental (ATD-X) is a prototype designed to test the stealth, flight control and propulsion technologies necessary for the nation to create fifth- and eventually sixth-generation air-superiority fighters.

  • Angara Missiles

    ANALYSIS: In Russia's space programme, the state strikes back


    ​While a number of recent events in spaceflight have underscored the rising significance of private sector competition, 2014 concluded with a maiden flight that serves to remind us all of the enduring presence of big, state-driven programmes.

  • Analysis

    ANALYSIS: Lessor ABS deal activity on the rebound in 2015


    After a tremendous first nine months for lessor deal activity in the public markets, 2014 ended on a somewhat mellow note, with several aircraft financings having to be postponed and a much-anticipated initial public offering pricing lower than expected.