Global threats bring transatlantic response from European and US manufacturers

Major European and US ballistic-missile defence suppliers are setting up collaboative ventures as part of a process that could see major transatlantic alliances formed to answer the growing global requirement for ballistic-missile defence capabilities.

At last month's Farnborough air show, EADS and Northrop Grumman announced a memorandum of understanding (MoU) aimed at pursuing "global ballistic-missile defence opportunities", while Finmeccanica and Lockheed Martin agreed to "explore partnership opportunities on missile defence programmes in the USA, Europe and the rest of the world".

Lockheed Martin had already signed a similar co-operation deal with EADS at the show, extending an agreement to work together on programmes such as the Medium-Range Air-Defence System (MEADS).

The US company also announced yet another MoU, this time with Italy's Finmeccanica, on missile defence partnerships. Finally, MBDA, in which BAE Systems, EADS and Finmeccanica respectively hold 37.5%, 37.5% and 25% stakes, announced a deal with Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) "to explore technical co-operation in the area of missile defence". The MoU calls for MBDA and IAI to evaluate "mutually reinforcing technologies and experience to support future ballistic-missile interceptor concepts".

Two years ago at Farnborough, Boeing signed missile defence co-operation deals with BAE Systems, EADS and Finmeccanica. The moves were then seen as part of the US government's attempt to bring European companies on board to limit opposition in Europe to development of missile defence systems.

The latest initiatives reflect an increasing emphasis on broad-based research co-operation to prepare for major future missile defence contracts in the pipeline. EADS says: "We're looking at the larger companies getting together to examine avenues they might take to proceed on missile defence research. There's a global threat so there needs to be a global response".


Source: Flight International