AlliedSignal is testing an engine core which will provide the basis for the company's next generation of business and regional turbofans.
First run on 7 December, the "technology-validation core" consists of three axial and a centrifugal compressor driven by a single-stage high-pressure (HP) turbine. Some elements are derived from the T800 turboshaft programme and NASA's Advanced Subsonic Technology (AST) effort. This includes the AST-developed low-emissions combustor as well as advanced materials.
The core is part of a wider technical validation which includes a compressor rig, combustor rig, HP turbine and large-scale fan-testing rig. "We could use the new technology of the core and rigs in existing engines, or use it for an entirely new centreline engine," says Terry Kallenbach, director of engine programmes at AlliedSignal.
The core will suit engines of between 22.2kN (5,000lb) and 40kN and covers the potential long-term replacement market for AlliedSignal's TFE731 and LF502/507 engine families.
Source: Flight International