China’s largest MRO operation, Ameco Beijing, is increasing its services across the whole Asian region. New airlines are joining a growing customer list for the Sino-German joint venture, which is licensed by the authorities from 18 countries including CAAC in China, FAA in the US and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

The latest is Air India, which in August awarded C-check plus painting on a Boeing 777-200 - the first time that Ameco Beijing performed heavy maintenance for the state-owned Indian airline.

Another Asian carrier, Thai Airways International has signed a five-year agreement with Ameco Beijing for PW4000 engine overhaul with the first engine already delivered. The Beijing International Airport based company is a $200m joint venture between Air China and Lufthansa and employs more than 4,000 specialists at its facility.

Ameco Air India

Ameco Beijing was the first PW4000 overhaul provider in China and mainly serviced Air China, but in recent years, it has continuously developed new capabilities such as black rubber repair, honeycomb seal braze repair, upgrade of the grinding function on precision lathes, LPT seal segment repair, and PW4000 & RB211 fan case attrition lining repair to shorten turn around time and reduce cost. The company now also offers repair and overhaul services on engines including the Rolls-Royce RB211-535E4 series, Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7R4G2/7R4E and the Honeywell GTCP85-129H APU.

Source: Flight Daily News