Air New Zealand is trying to convince New Zealand's overseas investment commission to block a NZ$2.6 billion ($2 billion) bid by Dubai Aerospace Enterprise to buy a majority stake in Auckland Airport.

DAE is too close to rival Emirates, ANZ argues. ANZ chairman John Palmer claims: "The owner of Auckland airport should not be linked in any form to an airline so that there is no possibility of preferential treatment of any kind."

If DAE became Auckland's majority owner it says it would try to "enhance the relationship" between Auckland and Emirates "with a view to increasing New Zealand tourism and creating new routes and services". Emirates already serves Auckland three times per day.

DAE's airport bid could fuel a growing campaign by airlines to convince the government to control the fees charged by all airports. "Passing to a foreign-controlled company" the right to set fees free of any regulatory control, Palmer argues, "is untenable".

Source: Airline Business