Demand has soared for Air New Zealand Engineering Services (Anzes) VIP completions services over the past twelve months. The company also supplies design and installation engineering, but its executive completions work that has seen the most growth.

Commercial manager Baden Smith says: “VIP services are going crazy at the moment. There is a perception that there is a real engineering capability shortfall in the sector.” Traditionally, Anzes has project managed green completions and taken the lead contractor role, however, the company recently allied with a small New Zealand based military MRO, SafeAir, in order to take on entire projects.

According to Smith, SafeAir has taken on both BBJ and narrowbody aircraft. He adds: “Because SafeAir was a military company, they traditionally paid strong attention to detail. We suggested they repurpose their offering to the VIP market.” Smith believes that the real issue with current shortages of slots for widebody completions is the lack of engineering talent available.


However, he cautions that large many commercial aviation MROs would not be able to change direction as easily because of their size. He says: “We are a small company of 40 people with a strong subcontracting network and were able to move swiftly.” Anzes is also “heavily involved” in the 787 product for its key customer Air New Zealand, and is in discussions with Boeing about becoming a preferred vendor on the 787 programme.

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Source: Flight Daily News