Flight International online news 11:00 GMT: EADS Astrium has chosen Arianespace to launch two micro-satellites of the Spirale demonstrator for a spaceborne optical early warning system.

Arianespace5 launch - BIG

The two Spirale satellites will be injected into geostationary transfer orbit by an Ariane 5 launched from the Guiana Space Center. They will be carried as auxiliary passengers on an Ariane 5 mission in 2008, using the ASAP 5 structure.

EADS Astrium is the prime contractor for the Spirale demonstration program, acting on behalf of French defence procurement agency DGA.

It will involve the construction of two micro satellites of about 130-kg each, using the Myriade platform developed by CNES.

The Spirale demonstrator is an early warning system designed to collect and analyze images in the infrared band against a land background, in order to detect ballistic missiles during their boost phase.



Source: Airline Business
