The fourth Shuttle Mir Mission (SMM), the STS79, due to have flown in July, will deliver 1,475kg of food, water, supplies and equipment to the Russian Mir 1 space station, together with astronaut John Blaha, who will replace US colleague Shannon Lucid. She will return aboard the STS79.
Blaha will work with cosmonauts Valeri Korzun and Alexander Kaleri, the Soyuz TM24 crew. They will replace the resident TM23's Yuri Oufrienko and Yuri Usachev, who, with French astronaut Claudie Andre-Deshays, were due to land on 2 September.
The STS81/SMM 5, which will pick up Blaha and deliver a new US crewman Jerry Linenger, is scheduled for a 12 January, 1997 launch. NASA has announced that the STS84/SMM 6 mission, scheduled for May 1997, will now include Russian cosmonaut Yelena Kondakova, a veteran of a 169-day stay aboard the Mir in 1995.
Source: Flight International