Australia has made it a criminal offence to point laser beams at aircraft, following an increase in incidents over the past year.

Transport minister Mark Vaile says a bill was passed in Federal Parliament yesterday providing for up to two years in prison or fines of up to A$5,500 ($4,600) for “people who irresponsibly direct laser devices at planes”.

He says that since 2006 there have been more than 170 reports in Australia of laser beams being directed at aircraft, “with the number of incidents increasing”.

“There are a range of legitimate uses for laser light devices but when they are used to target aircraft they are a major safety concern,” says Vaile.

“A laser light directed into the cabin of an aircraft can impair a pilot’s vision at a critical moment… I remind people with laser emitting devices to use them responsibly. If they don’t, they will soon face stiff new penalties.”

US lawmakers passed a similar bill late in 2005 following an increase in incidents involving laser beams being directed at aircraft.
