Massachusetts-based Hypertronics (booth 2634) is trumpeting the benefits of its patented hyperboloid technology for aerospace connectors, a process that ensures a constant electrical connection despite the shock and vibration environments common with unmanned vehicle systems (UVS).

"Today's UVS face an array of issues concerning connectors including shock and vibration issues, environmental affects including dust and dirt and fretting issues," says David Beach, Hypertronics' space and aerospace industry manager. "Hypertronics hyperboloid technology virtually eliminates all these issues."

In simple terms, the connectors can be visualized as a "basket of wires" that provide 360 degrees of contact with a pin, allowing signal to flow at all times even in the harshest of conditions. Beach explains that the basket of wires also acts a self cleaning mechanism as the pin is being removed. Given the low contact area on the pin, fretting (friction wear between the surfaces) is also virtually non-existent.

Source: Flight Daily News