Russia’s Aviastar manufacturing plant has unveiled a plan to launch a Boeing airliner cargo conversion business as soon as next year.

The plan was announced by Alexei Isaikin, chairman of the plant’s board, following informal discussions between Boeing and a delegation accompanying Russia’s industry and energy minister Viktor Khristenko on a recent US visit.

Conversion work for such airliners as the Boeing 747, 757 and 767 could be worth up to $100 million, with around 10-12 aircraft a year converted, according to a report in the Russian daily Kommersant, but other countries are likely to compete for the business.

The conversion work plan is one of a number of ideas under consideration for Aviastar’s strategic development. Other elements include focusing on the relaunch of production of the Antonov An-124 Ruslan heavy-lift aircraft, or on assembly of the Tupolev Tu-204 airliner.

Source: Flight International