Commercial airways in Asia must get more involved in educating the public about the true story of aviation’s role in climate change, according to the head of Cathay Pacific Airways.

Tony Tyler, chief executive of the Hong Kong flag carrier, says that Asia still has the chance to avoid the “vilification” air travel has undergone in Europe and to a lesser extent, the USA regarding CO2 emissions. “It seems the media [in the west] has branded aviation public enemy number one and it belies the percentage of overall emissions worldwide. Here in Asia that hasn’t happened yet, and there is opportunity for a rational debate,” says Tyler.

Tyler confirms that climate change is a serious problem that needs to be tackled, and Cathay Pacific has recently introduced its own approach to carbon offsetting. The Association of Pacific Asian Airlines, and the wider industry as a whole, has the responsibility to “to lead and shape the debate and not to be hysterical”, he says.

Source: Flight Daily News