China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC) 1 has reportedly reached an agreement with China Eastern Airlines to establish a new domestic regional carrier in western China called Xingfu Airlines.

A report in China Business News says the two sides have reached an agreement to establish the new domestic regional carrier and it will be called Xingfu Airlines. ‘Xingfu’ means Happiness.

The report says AVIC 1 and China Eastern will have a 60% and 40% stake respectively in the carrier which will operate Chinese-built aircraft and be based in a city in western China.

September last year ATI reported that AVIC 1 was looking to establish a domestic regional airline in joint venture partnership with China Eastern and quoted an AVIC 1 spokeswoman as saying the carrier was likely to launch with MA60 turboprop aircraft built by AVIC 1 subsidiary Xian Aircraft.

AVIC I and China Eastern’s spokespeople were unavailable for comment today because of the upcoming Chinese New Year holidays.

Source:'s sister premium news site Air Transport Intelligence news
