Avinode, the Swedish online charter marketplace, has snapped up its US rival CharterX to become one of the largest global web-based platforms for buying and selling business aircraft charters. The deal is expected to be concluded early in April.

"Avinode and CharterX have been working in parallel for some time now to develop and create an online marketplace for industry brokers and operators - CharterX in the USA and Avinode in Europe," says Avinode co-founder Niklas Berg.

"Now we can take the product to another level by offering one global platform for finding and marketing aircraft and making the charter industry much more efficient," Berg says.

Berg, who is also chief executive of Avinode's US arm, describes the product as an eBay for private jet charter with a particularly strong presence in Europe, Russia, the Middle East and the USA. "Our plan now is to expand the brand within emerging markets in Asia, South America and Australia," he says.

Source: Flight International