Luxury transport company Avolus has opened new bases in the lucrative business aviation markets of Monaco and Moscow, from where its plans to expand its European jet card offering.

The company - which has offices in Bangkok, London, and New York - has also launched a 10h jet card for the European market. This offering is designed, it says, to give new entrants an opportunity to sample the benefits of a card-based charter programme before making a commitment to buy the typical blocks of 25h or 50h of charter.

The 10h card equates to 2-3 European trips and makes entry to the programme easier than ever, says Avolus - which also offers yacht and helicopter charter.

Jet Card Europe was launched last year in partnership with US charter company to target US-based clients travelling in Europe. Avolus is hoping to emulate this success in other geographical regions.

"The partnership is proving very successful," says Avolus founder and chief executive Alexis Grabar, "driving turnover in the US/UK region up 250% in the first six months of 2012 versus the same period in 2011 which already saw an increase of 100% versus in the same period of 2010".

Avolus expects the jet card offering to eventually account for around 20% of its private jet business.

Source: Flight International