Rolls-Royce has launched the 95,000lb (423kN)-thrust Trent 895 engine on the back of an order to power up to 32 Boeing 777-200ERs ordered by British Airways (Flight International, 30 September-6 October). The 895 is identical to the current Trent 800, but has increased thrust because of higher temperature margins.

The first six of the new 777s will be delivered in early 2000, with the remaining 10 on firm order to be delivered in 2002. BA has existing orders for 29 777-200s equipped with the General Electric GE90, of which 19 have been delivered. BA says it retains options from a previous deal for six additional GE-powered 777-200s. R-R says the deal is worth up to £580 million ($966 million) at list prices. The deal will compensate R-R for the effect of BA 747-400 cancellations on orders for RB211-524Hs.

Source: Flight International