“During my time on the NBAA board we kept hearing from small operators that they needed more support.”
BaldwinBy a neat symmetry, former National Business Aircraft Association chairman Don Baldwin is here this week to launch his new aviation support company, which is dedicated to giving the little guys the help they need to operate as safely as the grandest flight departments in the land. 
An ultra-safe and often-honored corporate pilot with 30 years of experience, he was moved to set up Baldwin Aviation by his experiences as a manager of flight operations with Texaco.

“We had a headquarters and four or five satellite bases,” he recalls. “The headquarters successfully and economically provided all the support - maintenance expertise, pilots, management, budgeting – required by the satellites. When I subsequently started thinking about the needs of the smaller operators, it quickly became clear that the Texaco model of network support could be extended to the smallest corporate fight departments.”

Eighteen months on, Baldwin is at the show to promote a shared-resources service based on his company’s own safety-enhancing tools and a network of service providers.“We’re looking to serve flight departments with fewer than six employees, operating between one and three turboprops or jets,” he explains. “Operations like this have limited resources to develop, implement and maintain standards, safety manuals and processes. With our shared-resources concept, we can act as a partner to help smaller flight departments through the regulatory maze.”

Source: Flight Daily News