Boeing Aircraft Trading (BAT) will start to remarket the first of 24 ex-American Airlines Boeing 717s next month.
The used aircraft sales and leasing arm has been tasked by sister company Boeing Capital to remarket the 24 717s American inherited following last year's take-over of TWA. The aircraft were delivered to TWA over the last two years on long term leases and are held on Boeing's balance sheet,
"We are due to receive the aircraft from April, though we haven't finalised delivery schedules," says BAT president Dr Dinesh Keskar.
BAT normally concludes 10-15 deals a year, but Keskar says the 717s will push this to 30-35 this year: "We're looking for outside consultants to help us go through aircraft records."
Keskar says it is a challenge to place the young 717s as they are competing with new-build examples. Their used aircraft status will be reflected in their values, although some are less than a year old. Target airlines, he adds, are in China, India, Latin America and the Philippines, where he believes there is an emerging market for young second-hand 100-seaters.
Source: Flight International