SN Brussels Airlines is closer to becoming a reincarnated Sabena by absorbing the operations of long-haul services subcontractor Birdy Airlines. The deal will take affect on 27 October, and includes the leases on Birdy's Airbus A330s and personnel, but not the company itself.

Birdy operates to the old Sabena destinations in Africa under a wet-lease contract for SN Brussels Airlines. The aircraft will be painted in SN Brussels Airlines livery, and crews will join the SN Brussels Airlines payroll and seniority list.

Meanwhile, SN Brussels Airlines' merger with Virgin Express will see the demise of the latter's brand. Under the merger it "will be allowed to continue using its own brand name for two years". After this, "a new brand name will be chosen for Virgin Express", says SN Brussels Airlines chief executive Rob Kuijpers.



Source: Flight International