BMW ROLLS-ROYCE is preparing to loan some of its BR710 engines to Tupolev to help kick-start the Russian firm's twin-engined Tu-334 programme.
Günter Kappler, the German engine-maker's engineering director, says that the company will loan at least two engines, in a programme similar to that for the R-R-engined Tu-204. With German Government financial assistance, BMW R-R will supply the engines, prepare nacelles and carry out ground runs of the engines .
BMW R-R successfully ran its BR715 engine for the first time on 25 April, and on 26 April ran it at full speed for the first time to give a thrust of 114kN (25,475lb) - some 22% above the 93kN at which it will be certificated. The first flight engine is to be delivered to launch customer McDonnell Douglas, for its MD-95 twinjet, in December.
Source: Flight International