Sir - I wish to express my concern at the article "Boeing seating proposal for new 737 satisfied JAA" (Flight International, 9-15 July, P6). This gives the wrong impression that Boeing's recent proposal for a new Type III exit satisfies the European Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA). I would like to stress that the JAA has not yet taken a formal decision.

The JAA is engaged in a certification process for the Boeing 737-700 and -800, as is the US Federal Aviation Administration, and it is planned to finalise this in the third quarter of this year in close co-operation with the FAA.

As is well known, and has been reported in Flight International, the JAA has not agreed to accept these new models with higher passenger numbers using "grandfather rules" for automatic slides which are state of the art today.

Boeing has proposed a new design for the Type III exits and has asked for a special condition so as to permit the higher number of passenger seats.

The proposed special condition was sent out for comment to all interested parties and the JAA is reviewing the comments received.

The JAA will define its final position only after a careful review of the comments, which will include consideration of the issue by the JAA board.

K Koplin

Secretary general

Joint Aviation Authorities

Hoofddorp, Netherlands

Source: Flight International