Boeing is promoting new airline business functionality software in a bid to recoup investment in its on-board internet service Connexion by Boeing.
The manufacturer hopes to persuade airlines operating the in-flight wireless network to invest in real-time reporting and analysis applications as well as attract new customers. The ConnexionOne demonstrator aircraft performed test flights this month in Europe, where its in-flight cellular telephone service and live satellite television was also on trial. However, Connexion’s business model requires revenue from more than just internet and telephone calls, and the company says the new software “has been an integral part of the value story to customers”.
Boeing has “been in discussions with a variety of airlines, as potential technical development partners and as revenue customers”, but declines to name carriers. An aircraft’s passenger broadband connection can be shared by airline applications requiring datalinks.
The first two programs are an electronic cabin logbook and flight operations quality assurance (FOQA) data-collection software. Christine Gibbons, customer service lead in Connexion’s cabin network applications division, says: “An electronic cabin logbook will reduce the turnaround time as flight attendants can file real-time reports on faulty screens or failure of galley equipment, so maintenance crews will be ready when the aircraft lands.”
The FOQA aviation performance measuring system will schedule packets of information to be relayed down to flight operations departments at “timely intervals” when there is spare broadband capacity, says Gibbons. The system will analyse flight parameter information for anomalies to enable airlines to spot fuel savings and schedule maintenance more efficiently, she adds.
Source: Flight Daily News