Boeing is investigating two of its employees after one of them attended an industry conference posing as a journalist and blogger and participated in the press conferences of two competitors.

"Anything that appears to be a breach of Boeing policy is going to be investigated, and going to a show and misrepresenting yourself as something other than a Boeing employee is against company policy," the company says.

Stanley Holmes and Doug Cantwell, two public relations managers, were working on a concept for launching an external blog about aerospace issues called

Cantwell applied for and received press credentials to attend the AUVSI Unmanned Systems convention in Washington DC earlier this month. Cantwell also attended and asked questions at press conferences hosted by two Boeing competitors - Northrop Grumman and AAI.

The investigation will examine the "whole set of actions surrounding that show and whether or not [Cantwell] had credentials misrepresenting himself," Boeing says.

Source: Flight International