In an effort to boost its environmental credentials Bombardier has launched a carbon-offset programme for new business aircraft owners, managed by UK carbon-offset seller Climate Care.

The new voluntary scheme, which will be introduced at the start of Bombardier's fiscal year on 1 February 2008, will allow owners to offset the annual carbon emissions from their aircraft - based on average operating hours for each Bombardier type. The cost will be included in the aircraft's purchase price and invested through Climate Care in green energy projects to reduce an equivalent amount of carbon.

Bombardier says it will enrol in the offset programme the eight aircraft in its demonstration and PartsExpress fleets, "which equates to an annual investment in excess of $250,000". Bombardier says carbon-offet programmes are also being considered by its Flexjet fractional ownership and Skyjet charter subsidiaries.

Oxford-based Climate Care offsets emissions through a portfolio of renewable energy, forest restoration and energy efficient projects.

Source: Flight International