The Australian Government plans to review the need for a curfew at Brisbane airport in early 2012 owing to concerns over noise management.

It will be completed later that year so the review's conclusions can be incorporated into the airport's draft 2014 master plan, says the Government in its aviation white paper.

"The review will be led by a high level steering committee with broad-based representation from the aviation industry, business community, state and local government and community representatives," it adds.

Brisbane airport says it will cooperate with the review, but adds that it already imposes measures to reduce noise.

These include banning older aircraft, directing flights over Moreton Bay, imposing engine restrictions on late-night flights and strict flight paths over suburbs, says the airport.

"We are undertaking a comprehensive community engagement program because we recognise that a curfew would not in the interests of the city, the region, the state or the nation," it adds.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news