Business aviation and medical evacuation services provider Aero-Dienst is partnering with fellow German firm Vaeridion to study an air ambulance version of the start-up’s proposed “microliner” nine-seat electric-powered aircraft.

The venture will also see Aero Dienst develop a maintenance manual for the type’s propulsion system and batteries.

Aero deinst

Source: BillyPix

Pictured in Vaeridion’s cabin mock-up at EBACE are: (front) Markus Kochs-Camper and Van Dartel from Vaeridion, with (back row) Aero-Dienst’s Andre Ebach and Oliver Kosing

Scheduled to enter service at the end of the decade, the microliner is a conventional high-wing T-tail design. Its power unit comprises two or more battery-powered electric motors driving a single propeller. Ivor Van Dartel, Vaeridion’s co-founder and chief executive, describes the model as “revolutionary, energy-efficient aircraft” offering “exceptional value for money on short-haul routes”.

As well as an air ambulance, the 500km (270nm)-range aircraft will be offered in commercial and business aviation configurations. Belgium’s ASL Group and Copenhagen Air Taxi have also concluded agreements with Vaeridion to study passenger versions of the microliner.

“We are seeking to partner with a number of established companies who can provide valuable input on the Microliner’s design based on their day-to-day operations. We want to get it right from the start,” says Van Dartel.

Munich-based Vaeridion was founded in 2021. First flight of a conforming aircraft is slated for 2027.