PayNode – the business aviation payment platform unveiled at NBAA in Orlando by the company behind the Avinode online charter marketplace – is to launch in Europe.
Magnus Henriksson, global business director, said at the show that PayNode – which provides a fast and secure payment system for brokers, charter providers and end-users – had got off to a "very positive start" in the US market since becoming available towards the end of 2016. This month it also became available in Mexico.
"We’re excited to be launching PayNode in
PayNode customers will now also be able to use Avcard charge cards, as well as American Express, as a payment option.
Through PayNode, credit card payments are disbursed to an operator or broker’s bank account the day after a completed flight, rather than taking up to 30 days under standard industry methods. PayNode also claims to offer best-practice data security to protect customers’ personal identification and payment details against theft.
Meanwhile, sister business Avinode is experiencing a surge of demand in North America, says managing director Oliver King. From an 80% European customer base a few years ago, about 45% of the Swedish-owned service's transactions now come from the other side of the Atlantic, he maintains.
"We have been growing steadily along with the market, but over the last 12 months we have seen a sudden uptick in demand," he adds. "It's the first time since we have been there that people have been worrying about a shortfall of aircraft availability."
Source: Flight Daily News