Rolls-Royce has successfully run its Pearl 15 and Pearl 10X engines on 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in a series of ground tests conducted at its Dahlewitz site in Germany.

In addition to validating the SAF compatibility of the two engines – powering the Bombardier Global 5500/6500 and Dassault Aviation Falcon 10X, respectively – Rolls-Royce ran the same Pearl 10X back to back with conventional jet fuel and the waste-derived alternative to assess the latter’s environmental performance.


Source: Rolls-Royce

Tests of Pearl 10X took place at Dahlewitz in Germany

These evaluations confirmed SAF’s “cleaner combustion”, producing lower levels of particulate matter; previous studies have shown soot particles are a major factor in contrail formation, a large contributor to atmospheric warming.

“In combination with the low NOx combustor technology of the Pearl 10X and its additive manufactured combustor tiles, a reduction of all emissions was achieved,” says Rolls-Royce.

Meanwhile, the engine manufacturer has celebrated the 10th anniversary of its round-the-clock operational service desk for business aviation customers.

Located in Dahlewitz, the customer support operation has, since its 2013 introduction, helped Rolls-Royce achieve an average missed trip rate of 99%.