Good week for...


Fuel prices may be frustratingly high, but airline finance chiefs have reason to smile about continuing double-digit falls in insurance premiums since the post-9/11 spike, prompted by a relatively low loss record. Figures from insurance broker Aon for April show premiums falling by 20%. Reductions over the first four months of the year are running at a similar rate. "It's one of the longest soft market periods in the airline insurance market's recent history," says Aon.



Despite hopes that new French president Nicolas Sarkozy will knock heads together in the Franco-German spat over strategic control of the European giant, there was further bad press for EADS, which issued a denial after reports on a French web site suggested chief operating officer Jean-Paul Gut had been "pressured to leave the company" and was claiming €12 million ($16.2 million) compensation. EADS has threatened "legal action" to stop the "campaign of disinformation".


Bad week for...

Quote of the week


"There is no technological inhibitor now to making an unmanned transport."


George Muellner, President Advanced Systems, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, on the prospect of pilot-less airliners

George Muellner, Boeing


Source: Flight International