Good Week

The Safran subsidiary has started work on a production facility at Bordes in south-west France. The 25Ha (62 acre) plant is located within the Bordes-Assat aerospace cluster, which benefits from European funding, as well as cash from the French government and regional organisations. Construction of the facility, which is designed to boost efficiency and bring production and design teams closer together, is expected to be completed next year.


whose corporate governance is once again under scrutiny. Germany's financial regulator is investigating claims by a former shareholder that the engine manufacturer's one-third owner Thielert Vermögensverwaltung's (TVV) voting rights were not correctly disclosed at the time of its initial public offering. TVV says the accusations are "completely without foundation" and believes they are connected to a lawsuit Thielert group chief executive Frank Thielert filed against it in December.

Bad week

"It is undoubtedly the ugliest aircraft in the world. It has been put into the Dreamlifter livery and it goes to show that if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig."

Boeing's vice-president 787 services Bob Avery on the 747 Large Cargo Freighter


Bob Avery


Source: Flight International