BusinessFly officials are waiting in the wings for clearance of single-engine aircraft instrument flight rules (SEIFR) commercial operations in Europe to launch its new business.

The company initially plans to start a business aircraft service option for customers in southern France by buying a trio of EADS Socata's TBM 700 high-speed turboprop aircraft, featuring the new pilot door.

BusinessFly founder Cyril Baert says a TBM 700 fleet in Toulouse would set the template for a business model they would like to roll out throughout Europe, on a franchise basis.

EADS Socata has bought in to the business model, providing technical support to the fledgling business, and will provide the main source of aircraft product when it takes off.

BusinessFly spokesman Lionel Roques says: "We did a survey of companies that may not be in the market for business jet aircraft for budgetary reasons, but may have demand for executive travel options for key personnel.

"Obviously time is money, and we evaluated this in specific financial terms, which appealed to the companies we targeted in the 30 million ($36 million) a year turnover and 100 staff range. The TBM 700 is the perfect platform for their needs in Europe."

Source: Flight Daily News