A company selling empty seats on business aircraft in Europe has clocked up its 1,000th client member less than a year since it was founded.

Clive Jackson, founder and chief executive of private jet share community Victor, said: "We are delighted to have broken through the 1,000-member threshold. We are proving that those who fly by private jet are willing to share and are no longer willing to pay over the odds. In addition, we have created a market for those who have worked too hard and too long to put up with the hassle of crowded airports and lengthy delays."

Victor members call for a quote on a desired route, and can be matched to empty seats in any of the more than 40 business aircraft charter operators that partner the agency. Seats can be available on empty positioning or return flights, for spare seats on existing departures, or Victor can arrange an actual charter.

To date, the company says, it has booked passengers on more than 170 flights.

Jackson says clients are normally people who fly business class, and he says he can provide a journey on a private aircraft for about the same price.

Source: Flight International