Two well-known industry campaigners were honoured at EBACE yesterday. Judith Moreton and Mark Wilson both received EBAA’s prestigious annual awards, given for services to business aviation.

Moreton‘s career has seen her rise from check-in girl at Dan-Air to managing director of one of Bombardier’s key divisions – Skyjet International, an integrated global charter services provider that provides travellers with unrestricted fixed-price access to more than 900 business jets worldwide.

Among his many roles, Wilson is chief executive of the British Business and General Aviation Association (BBGA), and president of the European Council of General Aviation Support. He was recently appointed chairman of the European Aviation Safety Agency Advisory Board, giving business aviation a voice in a field dominated by the airlines.

Neither recipient expected the honour and each was delighted with the news.

“I’m thrilled, totally thrilled,” said Moreton. “It was a really big surprise. It is an amazing thing to receive, especially because it comes from colleagues and peers.” She was at pains to point out that her success was due in no small part to the work of her team. “Anything I’m likely to win is all down to them, they do the real work, I’m just the front man – I share it with them.”
Wilson concurs: “I’m delighted both personally and for the recognition of the work the association does. It was a complete surprise. I’d particularly like to highlight the excellent support I receive from the BBGA and thank both the staff and the members. Their support is essential for doing what we do. It is a privilege to work in a business that is fast moving and fast growing and pushing technological boundaries all the time.”

Both believe that EBACE is vital to the to development of the industry in Europe. “It is an opportunity to stop and have a look round and really analyse what’s going on in business aviation.”

Source: Flight Daily News