A remarkable high-speed airlift is being laid on to transport television film recordings of the Coronation to Montreal so that Canadian viewers can see the ceremony on their screens during the afternoon and evening of Coronation Day itself. A helicopter will be used to take the films, in three batches, from Alexandra Palace to North Weald. Here R.A.F. Canberras will be ready to start for Goose Bay, 2,480 miles distant, at 1.30, 3 and 6 p.m. B.S.T. On reaching Goose Bay, the first batch of film will be taken to Montreal, some 800 miles farther on, by a CF-100 of the R.C.A.F., and the second and third batches will be conveyed subsequently by the first and second Canberras, which will meanwhile have been refuelled. In this way, and aided by the difference in longitude between Great Britain and Canada, it is expected that the recordings will reach Montreal at 4, 5.30 and 8.30 p.m. Canadian time.

Source: Flight International