German airship group CargoLifter has signed a letter of intent with Boeing to develop "commercial, military and homeland security applications" for its lifting balloons and heavylift airships. The move improves the prospects for the company, which recently secured the first sale of its initial product, the AirCrane balloon, to oil-field logistics specialist HeavyLift Canada. The first CL160 heavylift airship is not due for launch until 2006(Flight International, 30 April-6 May) and a recent bond issue raised concerns about CargoLifter's business model. CargoLifter has concentrated on heavy-cargo and load-relief applications, but Boeing may be considering other possible applications, including disaster relief and military strategic transport. Boeing has also revealed it may develop a stratospheric airship, which could be used for airborne surveillance, radar, electronic and signals intelligence gathering or ballistic missile defence.

Source: Flight International