A C.101CC light-attack version of the Aviojet jet trainer has been sold to Jordan and assembled under licence in Chile (as the A-36 Halcon) by ENAER. The C.101CC has an uprated, 20kN, AlliedSignal Garrett TFE731-5 turbofan. Weapons include under-fuselage 30mm-cannon pods, underwing rockets and gun pods, bombs and missiles. Jordan's 16 C-101CCs have integrated self-protection systems, which include radar-warning receivers and chaff/flare dispensers. No orders have been announced for the C.101DD training and attack version.

Customers - C.101EB Spain 92. C.101BB - Chile 14, Honduras 4. C.101CC - Chile 23, Jordan 16.


The standard production version of the Aviocar twin-turboprop utility transport is the Series 300, which has an increased maximum take-off weight of 8,000kg for the C.212M military variant, improved range and payload and structural modifications, including a redesigned nose and wingtips. The military version can carry two 500litre fuel tanks on underwing hardpoints. Special-mission Aviocars offered include electronic-warfare and maritime-patrol models, the Patrullero, the latter equipped with a nose-mounted APS-128 search radar.

Source: Flight International