Royal Norwegian Air Force Lockheed Martin F-16 combat aircraft are to be protected from shoulder-launched surface-to-air missile attack under a new deal with Cassidian Electronics.

Announced on 27 September, the deal builds on the former EADS Defence & Security unit’s previous order to equip F-16s for the Royal Danish Air Force.

Under its new “multi-million euro” contract, the company will deliver more than 100 AAR-60 missile launch detection system (MILDS) sensors, which can detect incoming infrared-guided threats and cue countermeasures.

Cassidian has not confirmed the configuration of the MILDS installation selected by Oslo, but notes that the equipment can be fitted to a pylon, pod or directly onto a fighter’s fuselage.

Denmark’s F-16s are being equipped with AAR-60 sensors integrated within Terma-produced countermeasures dispensing pylons, along with signal processors. Each pylon uses three missile warners to provide spherical coverage. The system is “currently under implementation into operational use”, Cassidian says.

 Danish F-16 MILDS - Cassidian
© Cassidian
Danish F-16s are already receiving MILDS equipment

Norway’s air force has 47 F-16AM fighters and 10 F-16BM trainers, as listed by Flightglobal’s MiliCAS database. Deliveries of its new equipment will commence in June 2011.
