Central European Private Aviation (CEPA) - an industry trade body established to support business aviation in central and eastern Europe - will host its third annual Expo on 27 and 28 November in Prague. The 2013 Expo will build on a "successful 2012 event", which attracted treble the number of delegates from its first year.

"Last year's Expo was extremely well supported by a wide range of delegates from the industry and by some large corporate partners looking for development opportunities in the CEE [central and eastern European] marketplace," says CEPA chairman Brendan Lodge.

"It is particularly pleasing that, against a backcloth of a difficult economy in the West and the CEE, that CEPA, as an organisation, is gaining in profile and significance.

"During my time as chairman, I have witnessed an expansion of private aviation activity in the CEE and continue to hear from companies from within the region looking to do business with the West," Lodge adds.

Source: Flight International