Certification of CFM International’s Tech Insertion package for the CFM56-5B and -7B is on schedule for June, following the completion of a 63h flight-test programme on General Electric’s Boeing 747 testbed. Flight tests on the Airbus A320 and 737 are scheduled for late this year ahead of service entry in 2007. CFMI has completed high-pressure compressor performance, emissions and icing certification tests. The first full Tech Insertion engine was installed on GE’s 747 in November and has completed extensive performance and operability tests from Victorville, California.

CFMI Tech insertion package CFM56-B
The package has completed 63h of flight testing on GE's 747 flying testbed © CFM International

The Tech Insertion programme for the CFM56 incorporates improvements developed as part of Project TECH56 which CFMI says will provide operators with longer time on wing, about 5% lower maintenance costs, 15-20% lower oxides of nitrogen emissions and improved fuel burn.

Source: Flight International