Charles Champion has resurfaced at Airbus, succeeding Patrick Gavin as executive vice-president for customer services. Gavin, in turn, will replace executive vice-president for engineering Alain Garcia.

Previously A380 programme chief, Champion was one of several senior executives who were moved last year after wiring problems with the aircraft resulted in major delays. He became a consultant on several projects - including efforts to resolve A380 delays.

Garcia has contributed to Airbus programmes since 1969 and will become technical adviser to Airbus chief executive Louis Gallois before retiring in June.

Meanwhile, EADS has revealed ahead of its annual meeting on 4 May that former co-chief executive Noël Forgeard was awarded a severance deal of more than €8.5 million ($11.4 million) when he stepped down last year including a six-month notice payment of €1.22 million and a termination package of €4.89 million - equivalent to two years' gross income. He was also awarded nearly €102,000 a month for two years as non-competition indemnity.

Source: Flight International