China Aviation Industry Corporation General Aircraft has started to build a factory at Zhuhai for the manufacture of fixed-wing general aviation aircraft.

An AVIC General Aircraft official in Beijing says construction started on 2 July and that the target date for completion is November 2010 to coincide with the Zhuhai air show.

This new factory is a joint venture between AVIC General Aircraft, the Guangdong government and the Zhuhai municipal government, says the official, adding that it will make use of the Zhuhai airport runway.

AVIC General Aircraft already has aircraft factories in Guizhou, Hanzhong, Jinmen and Shijiazhuang.

The official says no decision has been made on what type of fixed-wing aircraft will be assembled at Zhuhai, but it wants a factory in Zhuhai to be closer to customers. The official adds that it wants to be close to customers "in highly developed regions of China".

Zhuhai borders Hong Kong and is in Guangdong province, one of the most developed parts of China.

"There is today only 900 general aviation aircraft in China including helicopters so there is a lot that can be done", he adds.

Source: Flight International