FRENCH PRESIDENT Jacques Chirac has intervened in the competition between Eurocopter and Sikorsky to meet a Spanish army transport-helicopter requirement by writing to his Spanish counterpart, prime minister Felipe Gonzalez, urging him to opt for the Eurocopter AS.532 UL Cougar, rather than the rival Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk.

Spain has a requirement for 15 medium-lift helicopters, with Eurocopter and Sikorsky battling for the order. Eurocopter is still smarting from having lost to US competitors in Europe twice already this year. Despite heavy political pressure to pick the "European option" the Netherlands and the UK opted for McDonnell Douglas AH-64s in meeting attack-helicopter procurement programmes.

Eurocopter is offering a minimum 100% industrial-offset package, with assembly of the Cougar to be carried out in Spain. It is also offering to provide worldwide marketing support for Spain's CASA CN-235 military utility aircraft.

Portugal has issued tenders to procure a combat-support helicopter for the army's recently created airborne battalion. An initial purchase of nine helicopters is envisaged. The air force, meanwhile, is looking eventually to replace its six SA.330 Pumas used in the search-and-rescue role. As many as 12 new aircraft could be purchased.

Source: Flight International