By Emma Kelly in Perth

Training and support providers are finalising consortia members following the Australian Department of Defence’s release last month of a delayed request for tender (RFT) for the commercialisation of army aviation training and training support (AATTS).

The contract will cover five years, with the possibility of extensions of up to a further five years. The RFT will close on 11 September, with the contract to start on 27 March 2007.

The AATTS involves non-tactical flying training at the army aviation centre at Oakey, Queensland, principally courses to convert on the Bell OH-58 Kiowa and transition to the Sikorsky S-70A Black Hawk.

In addition, the RFT is calling for the supply of non-military maintenance training, principally on the Black Hawks; helicopter flying training courseware support; maintenance training courseware support; operator level maintenance of the army aviation training centre’s 24 Kiowas and six Black Hawks; loadmaster training; and helicopter maintenance personnel at units in Darwin, Townsville and Oakey.

Possible contenders for the contract remain tight-lipped on their plans to respond to the RFT, but at least 20 companies were registered as bidders by mid-June, according to one industry source.

BAE Systems Australia, Bell, Boeing Australia, Eurocopter’s Australian Aerospace and Sikorsky’s Brisbane-based Helitech subsidiary are considered to be among those expected to submit tenders as prime contractors.

Source: Flight International