Israel has signed a letter of offer and acceptance for the remanufacture of 12 Boeing AH-64A attack helicopters to radar-equipped AH-64D Apache Longbows. A contract should be signed by April, with deliveries due in 2003. Derco Aerospace has won a contract from the Botswana Defence Force to recover a Lockheed Martin C-130BHercules from storage in the USA and perform a series of avionics upgrades on it and two similar aircraft already in service. The UK Royal Navy (RN) has placed a £378 million ($603 million) contract for Matra BAe Dynamics Seawolf short-range surface-to-air missiles. The Royal Australian Air Force has selected Elta to meet an interim requirement for electronic-warfare pods for its General Dynamics F-111s. Elta and its Australian subcontractor Vision Abell will supply EL/L-8222 pods worth $30 million. The Lockheed Martin/Northrop Grumman joint venture Longbow has received a $25.9 million contract to fit APG-78 Longbow radars to Republic of Singapore Air Force Boeing AH-64D Apache helicopters. Deliveries are due in 2002, alongside deliveries of the eight Apaches ordered by Singapore. Boeing has received a $162 million contract to supply over 8,000 Joint Direct Attack Munitions to the US Air Force and US Navy. Production will begin in March next year. Raytheon Aircraft has received an $11.4 million US Army contract to produce two Beech King Air B200s, designated C-12R/APs, for an unidentified export customer. The aircraft will be delivered next year and used for aerial mapping and photography missions. Racal Avionics has won contracts worth £60 million ($95 million) to supply Saturn V/UHF radios for RN GKN Westland Lynx and navigation systems for UK Royal Air Force Boeing Chinook HC2/2As. BAE Systems North America has won a €27 million ($26.4 million) contract for three trajectory tracking radars from the French Ministry of Defence.

Source: Flight International