FLIR Systems is to supply Star-Q multi-sensor airborne imaging systems to upgrade Royal Air Force Westland Sea King search-and-rescue helicopters under a $12 million UK Ministry of Defence contract. Under a $4 million contract, FLIR will supply Star Safire II imaging systems for use on Royal Australian Air Force Lockheed Martin AP-3C Orions. Curtiss-Wright Flight Systems is to develop a back-up manual drive gearbox for the extendible air-to-air refuelling probe on the US Air Force's CV-22 special-operations version of the Bell Boeing Osprey tilt-rotor. The UK Ministry of Defence has awarded BAE Systems and Thales Naval contracts worth £30 million ($43 million) each for the assessment phase of the Future Carrier Programme. A $22 million Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), contract to upgrade 19 Thai air force Bell UH-1Hs has been frozen by the Thai government. The competition is being reopened. A previous tender won by BAE Australia was also scrapped. Ultra Electronics has won a deal to supply HIDAR sonobuoys and sonobuoy telemetry receivers to equip PZL Bryza anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft on order for the Polish navy. The navy has ordered two Bryzas but plans to buy 14. Ultra says that the navy also plans to equip eight helicopters with similar equipment. Norway has confirmed its order for 14 NH Industries NH90s, signing a contract on 30 November for six anti-submarine warfare machines and eight for the coastguard. Deliveries are due to begin in late 2005. Meggitt Defence Systems has won contracts from the German army, Thales Air Defence and the UK Ministry of Defence worth a total of £14 million. Germany will use Banshee targets with air defence missile units. Thales has selected Meggitt to provide target services for Crotale air defence missile users in the Middle East and the UK MoD has awarded the company a three-year target services contract with a two-year option.

Source: Flight International