Epic Aircraft says it is "business as usual" despite the July imposition of a US District Court injunction preventing it from using a wing co-developed with UK company Farnborough Aircraft (FAC) for its proposed Elite very light jet.

The company has already complied publicly with the injunction's prohibition from exhibiting the aircraft anywhere, including websites.

Epic president Rick Schrameck insists that the jet programme goes on. "Our business plan is not affected." He claims the planned jet "doesn't use the same wing", but declines to be more specific as "we need approval from our lawyers before we can talk about this".

Meanwhile, FAC, now with full intellectual property rights for its F1 Kestrel, was last week flying the aircraft to the UK for installation of the interior before a promotional tour in Abu Dhabi.

Epic parent company Aircraft Investor Resources (AIR) said in June it would fly the Elite jet at the Oshkosh AirVenture show in July, but was prevented by the injunction from doing so. The aircraft was to be produced with Tbilisi Aircraft Manufacturing (TAM) in Georgia. The injunction says "AIR shall not fly, test, exhibit or publicly display the jet-powered aircraft AIR has constructed in connection with an agreement with TAM".

Source: Flight International