New Delhi tightens rules on helicopter operations as campaigning season starts for state elections

India’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has tightened safety parameters for commercial helicopter operators, in an effort to slash the accident rate on flights carrying high-profile politicians and VIPs.

The move is a response to a recent report into a fatal helicopter crash last year in poor weather conditions, and is timed just ahead of the forthcoming elections in five Indian states, where helicopter charters by campaigning politicians will increase significantly.

The DGCA says: “These accidents are repeated too often to be comfortable.” It warns pilots to obtain weather forecasts well in advance, particularly in mountainous areas where the weather is subject to rapid changes. The government body adds: “Avoid severe weather conditions and divert before all means of return are sealed.”

The DGCA has also issued guidelines for helicopter service providers, including a strict code to be followed in the event of landing at temporary site areas. Stringent guidelines have been issued to offshore operations. It says: “All non-scheduled helicopter operators and their pilots when carrying VIPs have been advised to get the existence of a suitable helipad confirmed in writing with latitude/longtiude reference and/or any other physical reference on the ground.”


Source: Flight International