Czech air force pilots have finally started flying training on the Aero Vodochody L-159 light attack aircraft following delays caused by late delivery.


Problems with the aircraft mean only 12 have been received by the air force, against the 21 due to have been delivered by the end of last year. Another eight, however, have made first flights and will shortly be handed over. The Czech air force has 72 L-159s on order.

Aero Vodochody says 30 pilots have been selected to begin training on the L-159. Seven pilots began their L-159 training in mid-March followed by their first flights in the single-seat L-159A last week. A second group of seven pilots began the course a week later. Boeing, owner of 35.3% of Aero Vodochody, is undertaking L-159 simulator training in the USA

Initially, pilots returning from the USA fly the Aero Vodochody-owned L-159B two-seater demonstrator with company test pilots acting as instructors. The pilots then transfer to the Czech air force base at Caslav near Prague to fly the L-159A.

Source: Flight International