Czech Republic aircraft manufacturer Aero Vodochody has stepped up its efforts to sell L-159 advanced jet trainers to the Indonesian air force, despite uncertainty over whether Jakarta has an interest in or budget for the aircraft.

The countries will soon start negotiations on the possible delivery of aircraft and spare parts, training services and technology transfer arrangements, Czech deputy defence minister Jaroslav Kopriva told Indonesian media. However, he adds: "It's too early to talk about the price and number of aircraft."

The development comes as representatives from Penta, Aero Vodochody's new owner, moved to support efforts to export surplus Czech air force L-159As, countering recent negative comments made by co-owner Marek Dospiva (Flight International, 7-13 November). "Penta endorses the sale of L-159A and L-159B aircraft on foreign markets," the company says.

But advanced trainers are not believed to be high on Indonesia's wish-list. Jakarta's first priority is to source spares for its Lockheed Martin F-16A/Bs, or acquire additional Sukhoi Su-30s. The country also hopes to buy new attack, utility, and search and rescue helicopters. Korea Aerospace Industries is meanwhile also promoting its KO-1 advanced trainer to Jakarta.

Source: Flight International