A Northwest Airlines Boeing 757 that suffered damage to its radome earlier this week has returned to service while the incident in still under investigation.

A carrier spokeswoman says the radome is back in Minneapolis.

The aircraft was en route from Detroit to Tampa with 182 passengers onboard and landed in Florida with “a minor maintenance issue” Northwest explains in a statement.

The disruption caused a delay in the outbound flight, but Northwest explains passengers were offered compensation packages for the inconvenience.

Northwest experienced another 757 incident in May of this year after a 3-by 2-ft panel ripped from the rear upper section of the right wing, struck a window and then damaged the right side of the horizontal stabilizer.

US Airways had a similar occurrence on one of its 757s in March after a composite wing panel fell off the aircraft after it hit a patch of turbulence.

Source: Flightglobal.com's sister premium news site Air Transport Intelligence news


Source: Flight International